
About Our Legal Clinic

The Northwest Community Legal Clinic is a not for profit organization which serves low-income residents in the Kenora and Rainy River Districts.

The clinic is staffed by lawyers, paralegals and support staff and offers free legal help to those who meet our financial eligibility criteria.

The Northwest Community Legal Clinic provides services to the Kenora and Rainy River Districts from its three offices located in Fort Frances, Kenora and Atikokan, with monthly sub-offices in Red Lake and Ear Falls hosted by the Kenora office.

The Northwest Community Legal Clinic is funded by Legal Aid Ontario. The Kenora location shares office space with the Legal Aid Area Office and the Family Law Office.

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Legal Clinic services are free.  We are a Not For Profit Corporation.

Our History

The Northwest Community Legal Clinic was established on April 1, 2009 and has three offices in Fort Frances, Kenora and Atikokan. The Kenora office (formerly the Kenora Community Legal Clinic) was established in 1977. The Fort Frances and Atikokan offices (formerly the Rainy River District Community Legal Clinic) were respectively established in 1987 and 1988. We are one of 77 legal clinics throughout Ontario which receives its funding from Legal Aid Ontario. The Clinic is managed by a 10 member Board of Directors; the Directors are elected annually at the Annual General Meeting with 5 members representing each district.

Our Commitment to Truth and Reconciliation 

The Board and Staff of NCLC are committed to all of the communities that we serve.  This commitment involves a journey of reconciliation among indigenous and settler peoples.  Click here to see the Land Acknowledgment and Commitments of NCLC as we continue on this journey.